11 years old. He is the son of a manor lord. He's Guillaume's loyal lackey, and follows his commands. Despite being every bit as much of a bully of his companion, Pierre lacks much of a mind of his own and tends to go along with Guillaume's will over his own. Forced into the Children's Crusade by his father, he resents the leadership of the other boys, and follows Guillaume's lead in causing trouble and making their own way. He was whipped severely by Nicolas as punishment for breaking the rules. After defecting to Hugo's side, he's roped into an initiation procedure that consists of him, Lilian, and Guillaume fighting to the death in the nude, as what is actually part of some demon-worshipping event hosted by Hugo. He winds up with his midsection roughly slit open, and has his body thrown out with the trash after being left to bleed out on the floor.