Взрослая манга Мисудзу Итидзё обсуждение

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Обсуждайте Мисудзу Итидзё

Misuzu is shortly seen in the first episode running with her friend, Toshimi. Zombies grab Toshimi's leg, and she screams for help; unfortunately for her, Misuzu kicks her to the zombies, yelling at her to let go. Zombies then come up behind Misuzu, and it's assumed she gets killed by them.
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Мисудзу Итидзё

Обсуждайте character Мисудзу Итидзё

Misuzu is shortly seen in the first episode running with her friend, Toshimi. Zombies grab Toshimi's leg, and she screams for help; unfortunately for her, Misuzu kicks her to the zombies, yelling at her to let go. Zombies then come up behind Misuzu, and it's assumed she gets killed by them.
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